International Solutions to Local Challenges
International Solutions to Local Challenges

SAV Consultancy Ltd has the depth and breadth of experience to be able to design and deliver bespoke solutions specific to the local challenges faced by any organisation. The programmes below are examples of core subjects previously appreciated by clients. However, these are just illustrative only and we always welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss client needs before advising on a solution.

> INCLUSIVE LEADER - This is for all line managers and goes beyond guiding colleagues in how to support the challenges of leading the new age of diversity of the workforce.

> LEADING TEAMS - The focus is on developing an atmosphere of teamwork through enhanced Empowerment & Delegation utilising concepts such as JONICO.
> LEADING CHANGE - Exploring individual and organisational challenges created by initiated changes both pro-actively and reactively. Delegates gain insight into the Change Management methodologies and how to mitigate the impact on performance.
> NEGOTIATION SKILLS - This programme explores the dynamics of conflict resolution and core negotiation skills. Delegates will examine their own negotiation tendencies and apply principles of behavioural science to develop effective and persuasive arguments.
> COACHING FOR SUCCESS - This programme guides delegates to evaluate their frames of reference and behavioural tendencies relating to their Leadership Style. In addition delegates will be introduced to the award winning Step Change Coaching Model.
> PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT - Delegates are introduced to the full spectrum of Performance Management including concepts such as Balanced Score Card and methods of reward and recognition. The basis of success in top performing organisations is their ability to create a true performance culture.

> RECRUITMENT & SELECTION - In many organisations executives claim that employees are their greatest asset. Therefore this programme assists delegates in ensuring that the right investment decision is taken by recruiting the best candidate and formalising the process to eliminate nepotistic or biased decision making.

> DIVERSITY IN ACTION - Diversity takes on many forms in organisations and the ability to fully embrace diversity can make a significant difference in terms of succession planning, employee development and improved moral.

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SAV Consultancy Ltd



South Africa


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+44 (0) 7494821383



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